Monday, 14 June 2010

My latest fetish

These days I have moved on to other ways to get a kick. Gone were the days when I run around the HDB estate at night wearing g-string and t-shirt, no shorts. I prefer having a partner around to play with.

Remember my post on penis torture? I've gone back to looking up this fetish again recently...

Now who likes a handjob? Who likes the girl to enthusiastically stroke it and grip it tight? Will you cum faster or slower? What if she slaps and backhands it? Seriously, how many of you have tried slapping the head of the erection and likes the feeling?

If this is the sort of fun you enjoy, watch on...
See a cock trapped in a ring and leash being tickled and teased by fingernails, and unable to get away. See it abused by weights, spanked, pressed down and pulled. And when she grips the penis head with the foreceps, "If you pull back, I'm going to pull you forward with this clamp here..." she really had him in her power. I really have to try that someday...