Tuesday, 29 May 2007


Now if any of my male readers are also in the habit of going out without underwear (very few I think), you might want to be careful. I just couldn't stop giggling when I read about how the poor man got his dick caught in his zipper.

It must be so embarrassing for him! I mean, he's old enough to work and think for himself and he had to have his cock handled by his lady boss! Scissors, specs, close up examination and all. I hope he did not get an erection!

The male colleagues who helped saved him took photos of him in the compromising situation too! All the girls in his company must have seen those photos by now. Poor man. They will know exactly how big he is. I hope he wasn't too hairy. Hahaha! I'm so evil!

Now if you have any real life stories to tell, send me an email.... I will try not to be too mean... :p

Saturday, 26 May 2007

massage video

I got a temp job doing filing and data entry. Boring stuff, can't take more than a few days of this. I don't even want to touch the comp when I got home, so didn't feel like blogging or replying to your emails. Anyway I was very decently dressed since I'm working. Friday was the last day so I went to work braless, but with a jacket on to attract less attention.

I got these from a reader before I left for Bali and I was half expecting stuff like this over there. I was a little disappointed! Do I need to go to Japan for this? :P



Monday, 21 May 2007


I just came back from a short trip to Bali, where it is not uncommon to see topless women tanning on the beach. But as far as I can see, they are mostly Caucasians. I guess my friends and I stood out a little.

I was a little shy initially, when removing my bikini top. Though we have been friends for years, this is the first time I'm showing my breasts to my friends. But I dared to do this only because they are all girls, no guys! I wasn't going to miss the chance after having waited for months for this hols when we finally made it to Bali! I finally got the chance to tan my boobs publicly. That's something I will never get to do in Singapore. They teased me about my erected nipple and I had to think of something else so i won't be so excited. That was quite embarrassing.

Somehow I was less bothered that other tourists at the beach could see. I don't think it is anything they haven't seen before at this beach. Nobody's behaving as though there is anything wrong, no cameras came out, no looks of disgust. Yes I have gotten stares back home from some aunties and uncles who are sharp enough to notice that I was walking around town without a bra underneath my t-shirt. And it is not safe for me to untie my bikini top at most places, when I'm suntanning lying down on my chest. Over here it was just a few admiring looks, smiles and hellos from other tourists. It was liberating. And I felt comfortable and at ease.

We did some water sports that left me aching a little. Especially since I have just recovered from another flu attack. So the massage helped a lot to remove the pains. It was my first massage and I wasn't sure what to expect and was halfminded about wearing a thong with a bikini top. That was what I saw in a youtube video I got from a reader when I told him I will be getting a massage at Bali. I almost got conned. Luckily I went with friends who were more experienced than me and they recommended a normal bikini.

My friends had known that I liked to go out braless, though only one other also did so back home. But now that we are tourists in a holiday spot, anything goes! It might be their only chance to ever go shopping without our bras underneath! I wonder if it helped our bargaining skills when we were buying souvenirs from the roadside stalls. Hehe.

Oh I'm missing Bali already!