Tuesday, 29 May 2007


Now if any of my male readers are also in the habit of going out without underwear (very few I think), you might want to be careful. I just couldn't stop giggling when I read about how the poor man got his dick caught in his zipper.

It must be so embarrassing for him! I mean, he's old enough to work and think for himself and he had to have his cock handled by his lady boss! Scissors, specs, close up examination and all. I hope he did not get an erection!

The male colleagues who helped saved him took photos of him in the compromising situation too! All the girls in his company must have seen those photos by now. Poor man. They will know exactly how big he is. I hope he wasn't too hairy. Hahaha! I'm so evil!

Now if you have any real life stories to tell, send me an email.... I will try not to be too mean... :p

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