Friday, 24 August 2007

Slouching on a bus

Recently I wore a denim miniskirt and sat on a bus. I slouched on the seat, guy style, with my lower back on the seat and knees up and pressing against the back of the seat in front. It's comfortable when I'm tired and I sometimes do this when in jeans, but this is my first time doing it while in a skirt :-) I was wearing something inside that day, but you probably can't see much anyway, just that it is very eye-catching to be sitting in this very unladylike manner in a skirt... hehe... The guy from the other side kept looking from time to time, maybe to see if he will get lucky.. but he didn't get to see anything coz I got tired of the posture after a while. Now if I wear a flare mini and do that.... I think he can see my butt from the side.... lol... won't that be a nice view? If anyone had looked from the seat in front of me while I was slouching, he could have had a good view up my skirt... haha.... not that I will stay there for him to see. That will be too obvious, won't it?

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