Sunday 12 September 2004

bus ride

Hi everyone! I had a very good ride on the bus today! And I wanna share it with everyone!

I wore baby tee and a flare miniskirt to meet my friends today, and I always have to be careful when wearing a miniskirt because I will expose myself very easily. I'm 1.70M tall and I have long legs, my friends tell me I zaogeng more easily than girls with short legs. I cannot wear the cheerleader-style miniskirts that are very popular because they are too short and too flare! My backside is not that flat. Sigh. Can only wear the older fashions.

Anyway, back to my joyride! I wore a black thong under my skirt today just for the kick of it, so that if people do get to look, they have something nice to see! Once I got on the bus, I headed for the last seat and sat in the corner. The bus is still empty at the interchange and I got to choose the best seat. Guess what I did when the bus moved off? That's right! I stripped off my thong and sat there bare under my miniskirt! It's a TIBS bus so the last seat is higher than the rest and I was pretty exposed. I had to reach from the hem of my skirt to pull the thong down a little and wriggle it off, all without being seen by the driver. Fortunately, I think he was busy checking the road as he left the interchange and did not notice me.

I wanted to put the thong into my bag, but why not keep it elsewhere? In a pocket of my skirt? The skirt is like cargo pants and had 2 big pockets at the sides, but it's no kick keeping inside. How about inside my bra? I'm a bit too exposed to be reaching into my tee... don't want the driver to have an accident now do we? I tried tying it around my wrist but the ribbon won't stay in place, so I sort of coiled it up and slotted my hand through it as though it were a scrungy. That worked well enough. I sat with my legs apart and nobody could see me. I lifted the hem of my skirt for a while and swung my knees in and out, but it soon got boring.

More passengers boarded the bus soon and I had to stop my antics until they have settled down. I have to remember to keep my legs together also, or I might give them a bad fright! I brushed back my hair with my hand and I saw the thong wrapped around the wrist. It does not look too out of place, I might decide to walk around like that later! Let me hide the Triumph tag on it... It's still boring, so I went down to the second last seat where my legs will be shielded from sight. My fingers now had free play under my skirt! I had to stop for a while when the bus comes to a stop, or at least try and keep a straight face. My smell fills the area around me after a while, dunno if the other passengers in front are wondering about the scent!

And finally, I came dripping wet just 2 stops away from my destination. One girl turned to look at me when she was standing at the door waiting for the bus to stop. I turned away and looked out of the window, hoping that she will not be so nosey. She alighted. I quickly wiped up with tissue and got ready to make my way down the bus, my body still tingling with the afterglow of the orgasm. I stuffed the tissue into the bin for waste tickets.

I think I was a lot less tense after cumming, and was quite relaxed about being bare under my skirt. I joined my friends and hung around with them for a while before going into the ladies to wear back the thong.

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